Tuesday, February 10, 2009

old chairs, new chairs

When boyfiend and I moved back to Melbourne a couple of years ago, the sum total of our household furnishings consisted of a desk, a table, a tv and a bed. Moving into our new place was easy but having people round? Not so much. We bought a couch and a fridge almost immediately but a total lack of money and employment meant the rest had to wait. I was pretty happy then when I found the two chairs below on the side of the road within a couple of months of each other. I love them both and plan to do them up one day but two chairs isn't really enough unless you have no friends. I have friends. Thanks to a generous birthday gift of cash from my parents I was finally able to buy four chairs I had been lusting after for ages from Ikea. I did consider getting Eames shell replicas with eiffel legs but I already have a LOT of chrome/stainless steel in my kitchen and it was getting a bit cold and shiny in there so eventually, I went for wood and laminex as the warmer, and paintable if I get bored, option.

I really like the design of the seat back on this one. The legs are covered in rust spots though and the seat is cracked and leaking yellow foam. How to fix? I do not know. I imagine a professional upholsterer will be required.

The legs on this one are so, so cool. It looks like it's ready and reving to go somewhere. Pick me! Pick me!

My new chairs! I was going to take a photo of them around the table but ever since I dropped a golf bag trolley from a great height onto the tabletop and poked a hole straight through the laminex, I'm too sad to glance at it, let alone look for the amount of time it would take me to get a photo in focus.

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