Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lime green, I love you.

So, here's the thing. I spend a lot of time rearranging my house, taking photos of it and then looking at the photos. A little pointless, no? But I must be getting something out of it cause otherwise I would stop. Dear imaginary reader, I CANNOT. Hence this blog.

These photos were taken in my kitchen last week. Up top, we have:

A fridge! And a microwave! Very exciting.
A stainless steel shelving unit on wheels, rescued from work during kitchen renovations.
A photo I took of my sister when I was in high school and she was about nine years old. She is all growed up and married now.

And below:
Wooden bench, also rescued from work and desperately in need of sanding/refinishing. As I do not have a. a sander or b. motivation this may take a while.
Cardboard boxes, advertising Nobody jeans and seriously desired when they were in a Glue window display. Luckily found in a garbage pile when said shop was throwing them out and have been used to store old t-shirts ever since.
Second hand table cloth, attempting to block the view of next-door's unappealing fake brick siding and wooden fence.
Seventies chrome, laminex and glass shop display cabinet, used for displaying some of our vinyl toys. I bought it from a garage sale for $50. I LOVE it. My boyfriend HATES it. So far, I am still winning.

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