Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hot or not?

Nature has been very unpleasant to me over the last few days, For those who've never experienced 44 degrees celcius and are curious as to what it's like: it sucks. A lot. Washing up is one of my more unfavourite things to even when the weather is clement but when it's not, I'm way too busy sitting in a cold bath whining to worry about the kitchen slowly disappearing under piles of dirty plates and dog hair. It's slightly cooler today though and I'm all excited to play around with my new camera. Sadly, the washing up has not magically done itself overnight so please enjoy the following details of my kitchen - if I zoomed out any further you'd realise what a shameless slutte I really am.

Ikea succulents on the window sill. They are supposedly low maintenance and difficult to kill; personally I've always found it very easy. Luckily they only cost $1.95 so I can keeping buying more.

I did this drawing last year, mostly as a way to get round my crushing inability to draw hands. Hi! and his friend, Hello!, appears a lot in stuff I do: I like to paint letters but I don't really have anything to say so settle for being friendly. The feather on top is from a magpie.

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