Saturday, January 31, 2009

Smile fresh

One of my favourite things about this house is the leadlighting next to the front door. The sunlight coming through always looks soft and pretty, when in reality direct contact will cause lacerating burns and searing pain (wear suncream kids!).

More Ikea cheapskate goodness. This cute red doggy bum is where Ludo's lead lives (actually, where is the damn lead?).
Found it! The painting is about the third I've one done on this particular canvas and you can see bits of the old ones where I've scratched into the top layer.

I use the little shelf under the window to keep a random and rotating collection of crap. This week we have two stones, a piece of bubbly dried tree sap, a bottlecap from work (fish sauce?) and a 1945 penny a lovely old man gave me on Anzac Day.

I'm thinking of cutting GOODBYE AND GOOD LUCK from those paint chip thingys and sticking it above the door. Too ghey?

1 comment:

Zan said...

I LOVE love LOVE this painting!